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Together we deliver…

Willard Enterprises is dedicated to helping businesses successfully achieve lasting results through interim, coaching, mentoring and non-executive director services internationally.


Specialising in shared services, process improvement, supplier management, technology and program governance.

Vision without Action is a Dream, Action without Vision is a Nightmare

Interim Leadership

There are instances when business need to supplement their leadership team to either back-fill a role while a suitable replacement is found or lead a major change initiative.  Interim provide the temporary executive support needed.


As a leader, seamlessly delivering large change is challenging while running a function in parallel.  An Interim executive is a perfect temporary resource to help you meet that challenge in a safe and controlled manner.

The right interim resources are ideal candidates for such challenges, they can provide a  safe and dependable outcome by either:

  • Planning, leading and delivering the change initiative as necessary.
  • Temporarily back-filling the current leader of the team to oversee the day-to-day operations and allowing them to dedicate their time to the change initiative. 

Not only can qualified interim resources meet the business needs, they often exceed them by  observing your business with a different lens and sharing their experience and offering best practices to help improve it further.

Help is available

I have operated as an interim for over a decade and my broad experience, approachable personality and methods have consistently and successfully helped organisations and leaders achieve their goals and prepare them for the future.

Coaching / Mentoring

Businesses need to invest in their people to remain competitive, retain domain expertise, ensure loyalty and ultimately unlock their full potential.  While just as important, senior executives are often forgotten and neglected when providing this type of investment.


For senior executives, the type of training and guidance needed are likely bespoke or not found in traditional course curriculums. 

 Executives skills are not often questioned nor honed externally and as such, without building a rapport, traditional methods often fail to get traction.

 Not only do many executives require tailored training, they also require unique flexibility and the ability to maintain discreet at executive levels.

Help is available

I have operated as a senior executive for over twenty years and I take pride in building lasting relationships, I listen and I enjoy adapting and sharing new ways to tackle the challenges faced while maintaining the Chatham House Rules.

I have both formally and informally coached & mentored my peers and colleagues to oversee annual reviews, goal setting as well as help them take on new challenges and become better leaders.  As an Interim, my clients have always received the same level of service and support.

Non-Executive Director

It is proven that a Board is more effective when it has diversity amongst its members as well as their experience and varied perspectives.  This fact is not only true for top line growth but equally critical a focused and steadfast look at the bottom line cost and service delivery capabilities.


Too often Boards find themselves at the mercy of the strongest personality or plagued by someone merely wanting to keep the lights on and stick to the status quo.  Left unchecked, poor board symptoms deteriorate, spread and left unchecked, lead to more drastic and disruptive cure measures or worse.

Boards need to work together as a team, embrace and leverage their differences, stay in touch with the latest trends and challenge the business to continually improve, this is true for all pieces of the business.

Most businesses utilise NED services to improve sales leads, broker 3rd party relationships, and better domain expertise but many businesses are finding renewed benefits from adding back office and technology expertise to balance the team by keeping track of performance, continual improvement and service metrics.

Help is available

Having advised and worked within many globally recognised corporate boards for well over twenty years, I have the gravitas and am uniquely placed to provide a broad range of Back Office and Technology guidance and oversight that is often lacking and can provide a significant and measured benefit.

Interim Assignments

Here are some examples of previous assignments.  Please contact me to find out how we can help you get the results you need.

Shared Services

Target Operating Model

Redesigned corporate services and common KPI measures to continually quantify and align departmental maturity across all core functions and provided a rollout plan by function.

Establish Shared Services

Designed and implemented shared service function to deliver bespoke corporate services to a federated business group.

Corporate Expansion

Designed corporate expansion template, defined and established core KPIs, initial functional organisation and corporate support framework for future company expansions.

Service Improvements

Established new policies and procedures, set and agreed new KPI’s, established future reporting needs, aligned and rejuvenated business, departments and teams held in stasis for over seven years.


Mergers & Acquisitions


Planned, Designed and Led the functional and corporate integration of a newly acquired regulated business including establishing new KPI measures and ensuring regulatory compliance.


Planned, led and stabilised the migration of a newly acquired dormant Mortgage business. Created new group vision, designed future growth opportunities, led the rooftop migration, advised on core IT systems and met the TSA obligations with the seller.


Managed the regional IT split and divestment of a regulated utilities company including designing and establishing new functional departments and ensuring new environment stability.

Sale Preparation

Led the retail store consolidation in preparation for sale. Reduced store overhead by over 60%.  Took the company from 3 years in the red to profitable in one year.



Program Governance

Designed and delivered a transparent international companywide request, governance and change delivery operating model.


Transitioned >2000 FTE staff to a blended outsourced function with a rotating blend of offshore and onshore while retaining the core IP expertise.

Continual Improvement

Established a process to continually monitor and improve the end user experience when using IT services for an international organisation

Supplier Management

Reshaped supplier / client arrangement, established appropriate and quantifiable measures, bridged and or highlighted cultural differences, established common vision, built a one-team ethos regardless of parent company and established clear communication channels.


Extensive Previous Employers & Clients

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